
Monday, July 11, 2011

Galle New Bust stand open Today ( Photos )

President Mahinda Rajapaksa is scheduled to open the new Galle bus stand, built at a cost of Rs. 419 million by the Economic Development Ministry, today (July 11) at 11.00 a.m. 

This bus stand was however was totally destroyed in the December 2004 tsunami, which claimed thousands of lives. As a relief measure the JVP built a temporary bus stand after the calamity. Work on the new modern bus stand commenced on October 23, 2010. Among those who played a leading role in this project was Dr. Ramesh Pathirana, MP, son of the late Minister Richard Pathirana, whose cherished dream had been to provide the town with a new bus stand. Chandima Weerakkody, Manusha Nanayakkara and all other parliamentarians and Provincial Councillors in the Galle District gave their maximum support to the project. 

This Bust stand is the longest bus stand in Sri Lanka. 

After Tsunami...


While Building the New Bus stand


New Bus Stand

Photos took while ceremony


  1. Well come new bus stand for galle
    and we expect all round in sri lanka
    must be 1st in kandy i am in Gampola

  2. Well Done Mr. President we are with you as long as you live. You are a god sent to our mother lanka.

  3. apita ari adambarai apata hoda nayakayek innawa obata apita denna bari une nathiuna jeevitha pamanai.ekath denna puluwannam oba apita denawa.apita kohika unath godak satutui.ape nagaraya apata kalin tibunatath wada hodata sada deema gana.obata apita denna puluwan apege ayusha aragena obata megamana yanna ayusha deema pamani.obata godak pin.dalada phita labeewa.mama manoj priyadarshana darmasooriya
