
Friday, November 18, 2011

White Flag judgement today

The Colombo High Court will deliver its much awaited judgement today on the white flag case involving former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka.

In this case he is accused of having made a statement to Sunday Leader Editor Frederica Jansz alleging that the Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa had ordered Brigadier Shavendra Silva to shoot LTTE cadres who surrendered with while flags.
Magistrate Singappuli made the above order when Keselwatte police asked the court to declare the area a high security zone to tackle any incidents following the delivery of the judgment.

Gen. Fonseka was indicted by the Attorney General in the Colombo High Court on July 21, 2010. The hearing of the case began on the 29th of the same month.

It was taken up on 57 days with 15 witnesses testifying and Gen. Fonseka making a statement from the dock.
During the Trial-at-Bar before Judges Deepali Wijesundera (President) W.T.M.P.B. Warawewa and M.Z. Razeen several witnesses including the Defense Secretary the Sunday Leader Editor and Major General Shavendra Silva gave evidence.
The prosecution was headed by Deputy Solicitor General Wasantha Navaratna Bandara with Senior State Counsel Dilan Rantnayake, Lakmini Girihagama and Riaz Bary. But later Deputy Solicitor General Buveneka Aluvihare appeared for the state.
Senior Counsel Nalin Ladduwahetty with a team of senior and junior lawyers of the Colombo High Court Bar defended Mr. Fonseka

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