
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Daddy Band respond to allegations regarding Tiken Tika song

A website has published a post few days ago stating that " Tiken Tika " song insult budhism and it should be banned. Daddy band has responded to that and post below reply in their fan page.


In light of the controversy generated by our video for 'Tiken Tika' we felt it was the appropriate time to respond to the allegations directed against us. Before going into detail, we'd like re-iterate that we have no intention of insult, abuse or belittle any religion, language, cast or creed and that we have the utmost respect for all of the above. Our fans come from all corners of the country and around the world regardless of what their ethnic or religious background is.

Among the various allegations against the video is that the stanza in question "bawathu sabba mangalam" has been projected as a backdrop to a honeymoon. This is entirely false as anyone who has watched the video would testify. The scene in question is about how they overcame their differences to arrive at the moment of their wedding day. The disagreement and the eventual reconciliation scene is re-enforced by a powerful memory of the person's wedding - which turns out to be the stanza from a poruwa ceremony. This is at the culmination of the lyric " Witin wita witin wita, Samaharu api gena gethu pada, Ekak hera ekak hera, Jayagaththa ada ape lowa"

Another allegation directed against us is that we have "Rapped" this stanza. This is totally baseless and untrue. The audio you hear has been recorded as performed by a professional ashtaka reciter. There was no attempt or thought of doing this ourselves or to distort or change the original recital to suit the music or lyrics. It is as it is, maintaining the integrity of the stanza and the person performing it.

We've been asked the reasoning behind the inclusion of this stanza in the video. The Poruwa ceremony is a very pure and powerful memory of most sri lankans who get married. As explained earlier, we found it to be a special ending to the story depicted by the song.

We fully understand the special place this stanza has for Buddhists as it is used in multiple occasions to bless (ashirwada) a person or a group of people. We wouldn't want to hide behind a curtain of negligence or pretend we didn't understand the importance of that stanza. It is for that specific reason it is included in the first place.

While we'd like to apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused, we'd like to re-iterate that we don't believe we have insulted or abused Buddhism or Buddhists in any shape or form. Although the 5 of the band members are of the catholic faith, we belong to a much larger team that includes individuals of other faiths including Buddhism.

Finally we would like to state that we welcome all forms of constructive criticism and thank all those who attempted to understand the reasoning behind the use of this stanza, and for everyone else, we hope this helps clear our any doubts that you'll may have had :)



Daddy is popular young Band which leads by Gayan Perera... Sunil perera's son. After they released two albums MASSINA and arabiya.

Daddy Band

01. Gayan Perera : Guitar and Vocals.

02. Viresh Cooray : Guitar and Vocals.

03. Nimantha Kaluarachchi : Piano and Vocals.

04. Shamila Siriwardhana : Drums and Vocals.

05. Dilan Hettiarachchi : Bass Guitar


  1. This is so true... If ppl actually listened and looked at the music video any one will understand that the slanders spread is not true. I agree with the above statements from Daddy band.

    I am sure that with false accutions to the band they will be more stronger and the educated ppl will enjoy the song... :)

    All the best DADDY !!!!!

    1. Educated, what u mean by educated, u mean people who speak english & cant properly speak sinhala & who dress like wetern culture, who goes to night club.... are educated.
      people like you think who pass A/l and go to university even doing Msc or PHD are aducated. yes they are aducated only in one stream which was created by western people.Every educated people are not wisdom.
      This is about respect to culture & religion spirits.
      In past Sunil was ruin the culture
      "Uge puthath ekama thamai karanne"

    2. Educated, what u mean by educated, u mean people who speak english & cant properly speak sinhala & who dress like wetern culture, who goes to night club.... are educated.
      people like you think who pass A/l and go to university even doing Msc or PHD are aducated. yes they are aducated only in one stream which was created by western people.Every educated people are not wisdom.
      This is about respect to culture & religion spirits.
      In past Sunil was ruin the culture
      "Uge puthath ekama thamai karanne"

    3. This is about the respect to culture man
      pls note every educated people are not wisdom people
      In past sunil ruined the culture
      "uge puthath ekama thamai karanne"
      Gayan sunilge puthama thamai neda??

  2. Hey Brvo...Let me bring ur notice to couple of things.
    01.See the music going on with Gatha's.some drums and instruments playing matter whtever the religion we belong to,we shd respect it.
    02.And please notice the way the acting in visual when the gatha's are going on.what our culture has to teach is stand up even passing a temple,mosque or church.not to rock and roll with gatha's.
    So,brother we shd be creative and being new generation we shd radical bt hve to keep in minds wht are the values we have.:)

    1. that is tru.they are creative. but, you see their attire,just like chokabaila.why they can use thheir church and geethikafor the song. he cant play this to choka baila song. thery are waring bulshit kits and playng rockandrollmusick behind the gathawa. really they have plaiedwith that gratest gatha...they dont have a properrelijen

  3. Jobless idiots want to create some noise and grab attention. There is no intentional insult to Buddhism. Next these paranoid imbeciles will say Daddy are paid by The USA to tarnish buddhism or some other rubbish.
    ""bawathu sabba mangalam"" can be heard at any wedding and the use of that is a powerful way to symbolize a wedding. Have these idiots no idea about art or music? They want every one to be creativity-void vegetables like them. Jealous fools are a bigger insult to the country and buddhism than Daddy's song.

    1. oh yes,this man dance for bawathu sabba mangalam gatha ,such a dirty person

  4. gayan pissa can dance to our gatha????????
    what shoud we do????
