
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Beggar with Rs 20 lakh bank balance

A beggar arrested yesterday while engaged in begging on a train was said to have had Rs 20 lakhs in his bank account, as was revealed at the Maligakanda Magistrate’s Court.

It was also stated that there was a Dolphin brand van, along with 02 three wheelers registered in his name. Thirty six more begging on the train more were produced before the same Courts and all were fine Rs 2000 each and fiver years imprisonment suspended to six month each.

Meanwhile, the General Manager of Railways, Mr. B.A. P. Ariyaratne states that during the forth-coming festive season , those who beg on trains will be rounded up and arrested. He also revealed that it was difficult to prosecute those arrested thus as it was impossible to obtain evidence from the passengers as witnesses.

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