
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Channel 4 video and pictures bogus - SL Army

There is no truth in the video or pictures transmitted by Channel 04 yesterday, state the Sri Lanka Army. Further, as depicted on the channel , the report that Prabhakaran youngest son was among those who surrendered to the Army during the stages of the war was false, said Army spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasuriya.

‘They use lies, half-truths, rumours, and numerous forms of speculation and interestingly these come up as we get closer to a UNHRC meeting but die down thereafter’ the brigadier said.

 If there is genuine concern in bringing perpetrators to justice the concerned parties have to make complaints to the police with whatever evidence have rather than floating rumours and baseless allegations through the internet and other media. I wish they were more interested in having these investigated, and if they cooperate with credible evidence we shall solve these once and for all,” he said in a statement to the media.

The Brigadier also said that no substantive evidence has been presented for the Army to launch an investigation. “Unfortunately, it appears that the parties who float such baseless allegations never want these to be investigated or solved. They want to keep them as mysteries to tarnish the country's good image as and when it suits their agendas,” he said .

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