
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Grandpass Bo tree removed

Colombo Municipal Council today (12) started the removal of the massive Bo tree situated in the Swarna Chaithya road, Grandpass.

CMC workers started the work around 10.00am as the expansion of the nearby Islamic mosque could not have been done due to the tree.

The decision was taken to remove the Bo tree as the Muslim community said that if it is removed then the expansion of the mosque can be started again.

The work was conducted under heavy STF guard and a few Buddhist monks from a nearby temple assisted in doing the relevant religious proceedings.

Decisions have been made to remove the mosque which is being constructed to the previous location and to remove the Bo tree, at the discussion held with the participation of multi religious leaders.

IGP N.K. Ilangakoon emphasizes that he cannot allow to repeat the Weliweriya incident in Grandpass as well.

The Inspector General has made this point strongly during a verbal dispute with Minister Rishad Bathiuddin in a meeting held at the Prime minister's office yesterday (11).
The minister had accused the IGP that when the thugs were assaulting the Muslims, the STF did not do anything to prevent it and that the police had given protection to the thugs.

Denying these allegations strongly, the IGP has pointed out how the police had acted with patience even when the Muslims were trying to provoke the police.

He has further said that he had sent DIG Anura Senanayaka to the spot immediately with the advise of not to shoot under any circumstance.

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