
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ex-wife reveals Gayan's true-self

The former wife of the actor Gayan Wickramathilaka, Siththi Harshina Lathif, has made a revelation about the actor who is presumed to wed popular actress Chathurika Peiris in future.

She has mentioned that she and her two children were given a monthly compensation of Rs 40,000 by Gayan , however after paying a rent of Rs 12,000 for the house the rest is barely enough to look after of two children.

It is difficult for her to find an occupation as she needs to look after the two children and since her mother is not in a healthy condition the children cannot be left alone with her.

In an interview to the Sarasaviya newspaper she has further stated " Gayan, why did you do this to us? Even though we parted you used to come visit us when it was possible. Called us once a day. Checked up on us. Asked what we ate. Asked if we were fine. The last time you called was on January 19. After that you lost interest in checking up on us. Gayan ,why aren't you even picking up the phone when we call ? Did you forget our lovely family so soon ? Son is missing you so much. It is fine that do not talk to me. At least check up on him. I saw an account on him that he gets mad even when someone says something to the puppies at his house. I feel sad because it’s like our children are below those puppies.

I addressed Gayan as Appachchi. It was only him I addressed so.

Appachchi... do not forget your children. I know that today you are very busy like you used to be. But call the babies when possible or else you will be committing a sin. This is a dear request. A plea more than a request ".

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