
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Porn Stars photos published :: Police seek media assistance to nab porn stars

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Colombo court Magistrate on November 4th has ordered Police Headquarters media unit to publicize 83 faces of Sri Lankan porn stars, in the news papers, with a view of tracing them.
The local authorities hope the move will help them to restrict the ever-increasing flow of internet porn in the country.
Accordingly, the court has ordered Police publish photos of men and 83 women known to act in a dirty video clips online. This was done to identify who exactly they one by one, to be then put on trial. The photos in question are obtained from websites. Local police says they seek public assistance in identifying and holding them, the perpetrators are said to be faces up to six months in jail if convicted.
Sri Lanka is trying to seriously fight against pornography since recent years.
Earlier, the Sri Lankan government has asked telecom regulator for preventing residents accessing websites that are said to be obscene, starring local actors.
Consequently, in August 2010 authorities have blocked about 100 porn websites limiting the access to locals including international porn websites.
Some analysts and international internet experts argue that these are first ‘good steps’ that are leading in near future resulting Sri Lanka start building an internet censorship regime restricting its locals accessing very crucial and economically, politically controversial and sensitive information like its top funder and investor Chinese government has regulated building an ‘Electronic Great Wall’ to its world’s highest 380 million internet population.
Sri Lanka has a considerable internet population growth rate at nearly 3% year on year with current online population at 1.7 million which is about 8.3% of the total population in the country.
Meanwhile, critics are of the opinion that the action of the police will not work because many of the women who act in porn films either do so unintentionally or under many constraints and to reveal their identities would mean they are being leaded to even more maltreated.
They say that there will still be large amounts of porn widely available such as on VCDs and DVDs.
Local Police believes that catching these wrongdoers will make it easier for them to arrest others involved in the making and distribution of pornography via many distribution channels and networks. However Police have stressed that they are not planning to give cash rewards for information leading to an arrest.
Some of the content is believed to include images of naked women that have been put on the internet without their knowledge perhaps by their boyfriends or people who got pictures of some women at social parties.
Many smalltime internet entrepreneurs of these websites have made considerable amounts of money through online advertising, even though the pictures are of poor quality and mostly shot using mobile phones and some are totally edited photos combining either a foreign porn star’s body picture with a local porn star’s head.

if you have any information on them police ask you to  infrom to this number  

source : asiantribune


  1. this is a joke... half of these people appear on other websites as indians etc.

  2. this is bullshit.
    half of these girls are fucking Indians. and about 10 years old from filming.
    this law sucks

  3. I thought porn stars r damn beautiful.

  4. this is bull shit.. do u know what happens when u block porn sites it increases the amount of rape and other criminal activity to do with sex. porn sites are made specially for teens,adults and others who actually don't have access to practical sex cuz of many reasons. porn sites are there to release there frustration blocking them would just make things worst.. now that u have blocked, people are more curious that they do stupid things and find other ways to release there frustration. im feel sorry for the economy of Sri Lanka.. specially the young teens... think about it people!! let parents take control in what ever restrictions they want for there child..cuz end of the day the child's food, school fees and current bills and for the internet bill are been paid by there parents.

  5. thats gud,i like if cn slanka stop every sl porn sites.bcoz some pics and videos pu t to internet frm b.f s and enemies.sme r nt realy a porn stars.sme r suiciding,sm cnt mary,sme r stil rele dn t knw thr pics in net.pls clse evry site witout intenatnal sites

  6. Stupid, sexually dysfuntional Sri Lankans...

    Prosecute instead the monk perverts who are responsible for the epidemic of boy monk raping.
