
Monday, January 3, 2011

Pitiduwe Siridhamma Thera leaves country

Venerated preacher monk Pitiduwe Siridhamma Thera had left the country for Washington, USA 10 day ago.
Before departing, the prelate has told his close associates that he no longer wished to live in the island.

He had given the custodianship of his ‘Siri Sandaham Ashram’ in Bellantara to another monk, but all other Buddhist and social work pioneered by him have suffered a setback.

Patrons of the Ashram claim that a conspiracy by other religious activists had led to his departure.

In the recent past, courts had issued an injunction against the Ashram, following a case filed by area residents who claimed inconvenience due to the activities of the religious place.

Also, a woman named Niranjala Shyamali, claiming that the prelate fathered a child born to her before he had entered priesthood, had created a scene and filed a case for the child’s maintenance in 2009.

The case was taken up several times, and at a hearing on December 09, the woman failed to prove her charges

But, Ven. Siridhamma Thera had refused to appear for a DNA test to determine whether he had fathered the child.

Pitiduwe Siridhamma There has changed the name and look... NEW ( Click to read the Full article ) 

 source :

1 comment:

  1. Meka pal horek. muge bana hodai muge kolu piriwarata.
