
Monday, July 18, 2011

20 actresses engage in prostitution

The Police Headquarters has received information regarding 20 actresses who are engaged in prostitution.

Their name were divulged by four actresses already in the custody of Mirihana Police on prostitution charges.

Police have found the list of the actresses, their contact details and charges from the house of a go-between, who is still at large.

Several popular actresses in the list charge around Rs. 50,000 per customer.

Related :: Two more actresses face prostitution charges

Mila actress Anuksha Sonali arrested over prostitution

source : srilankamirror


  1. Can we at least see few names from the list

  2. This is a sicked fucked up country arresting cunts,,,, while they show a blind eye to the politician who fuck up whole country and prostitute us all.... .

    these women, have some level of respect least to earn a mean to live unlike those fuckers who steal the life from poor and live on it.....

    Prostitution should be legal.... it wont take much time to to get answers from those who actually arrested them if they have never had sex with a prostitute...

    1. Fully agree. Free market forces should prevail. It is between two privately consenting parties not harmful to society and hence is no one elses business.

    2. Can one social evil be better than another... Prostitution is wrong on so many different levels... I'm sure who ever thinks prostitution should be legalized are men... A woman too should be expected to live with an integrity and self respect and esteem... Prostitution is not only harmful to the society at large but to the smallest unit of the society which is the family... I wonder if you all would think prostitution was so rocking if your own mothers or sisters, wives or girl friends were in that degraded way of life...course it is no secret that SL men would find it totally acceptable to sleep around and have brief sexual encounters but are the kind of tyrants who expect to marry a virgin girl who bleeds to prove it to his ego when he thinks of wedlock. You are all hypocrites, as long as it's out there, there in the society, happening to unknown people and far away from your lives and homes it's fine... Acceptable... Look at your own face in the mirror and rip the mask off and be honest to your values, if you have any which I highly doubt... I am not underestimating that crime and violence are having a joy ride in our country due to the need for sound political leaders and vigilant cops who are not afraid to do the right thing, but just because the justice in this arena has taken a backseat doesn't in any way condone protitution in any context... What's next on the legalization top list? "Child Prostitution"??? If you were a parent of a girl, would you ever choose prostitution as a source for her living? I would rather die of starvation than sell the self respect and dignity I value above all else... Not only does it corrupt the hould hold, tears families asunder, spread STD's stiffling a country's able bodied young (would you prefer SL also taking after the countries in the Sub-saharan Africa which report 68% of the world HIV population, I hope YOU DO KNOW there is NO CURE by the way!!!!) The women in this way of life themselves are a degradation to humanity, used as sex slaves for materialistic wealth, having nothing to call her own, not even the freedom an animal has to select his or her mate... They hvae short lives, suffer from deseases, spreading them as well, not only to the partners she beds but also to children she may have from these encounters... These unwanted children then are aborted, or thrown out into the world with no kith or kin, maybe left at hopitals or over crowded in homes for orphan children, where they will never know what love is, never recieve kindness or the path to a better future... Are these really acceptable by your standards? Protitution is only the tip of the ice berg, realise it pal!!! You are if not stupid, just plain pathetic... Grow up all of you!!!

    3. hats off to the lady who wrote against the nut heads that ask for legalization. as you said perhaps they can sell their mother first and demand such.btw dont think all men want prostitution to be legalized, mean time there are women like to have sex with many men. they also falls under the term prostitutes. whats the difference? both commits the same action.

    4. You are correct

    5. just saying my opinion here but you people have very single tracked minds, although you will never agree with me prostitution is helpful and should be legalized.. Prostitution can keep the sexual hungers of people at bay and also lesson the chances of rape and other sexual violence. Its all up to peoples choice, of course acts like trafficing should be illegal but if a woman is following this practice on free will it's not up to me or any of you to stop them... After all unsatisfied sexual hunger is the main reason people resort to sexual violence.. So don't try to judge other people for the decisions they make in life... I learned that lesson a long time ago

    6. "A whore, in my estimation, has more credibility than a wife, and I'll tell you why. A wife is supposed to marry you for love. A whore is not there for love, she's there to service you. Now, the difference between them is a whore, before she does her work, will tell you exactly what it is. She'll tell you, "Blow job? This'll cost you seventy-five dollars. This is not love, and after I'm done I never want to see you again." Full disclosure is what they call it in court. A wife will tell you shit. A wife will tell you nothing. She's about to marry you. If you get divorced, she's going to take 50 percent of your gross pretax dollars and try to get more. Now, before you get married, if you dare bring up the notion, "By the way, let's just be completely honest with each other, what happens if we break up?" she will cry and tell you, "That's so unromantic." You know who's more credible? The whore"- Gene Simmons saying it how it really is.

    7. And a word to all feminists (and effeminate, emasculated men)- if a woman willingly chooses to go into the world's oldest profession (i.e. Prostitution if you didn't understand) then it is her right to do so. It becomes wrong, ONLY when a woman is COERCED into prostitution. (as is any form of coercion, as it infringes upon personal freedom) And by that I mean pimps, human traffickers and other sick bastards. Now (and I know this is terribly hard for you'll, being the dimwitted feminists you'll are) try and think- if prostitution was legalized, wouldn't it allow the real problem, the pimps, to be addressed? And wouldn't it allow a mechanism to be set in place to address the problems of prostitution? (like you so righteously mentioned HIV, STDs, etc) Hiding your head in the sand doesn't make the problem disappear. Prostitution will never stop being an industry. Not as long as we humans live.

    8. Well all first stop making time to argue on this topic cause the lady who wrote that marvelous comment got you all. Before supporting the fact that prostitution should be legalized, just get your mother, wife or daughter in to those shoes.

    9. I did not know that the govt has the rights to women's private parts. So the they decide for the women what they have to do with it? I'm sure most of the jerks who bring these laws frequent brothels more than the common man on the streets.
      The Mirihana police have nothing better to do than arresting these women who are not even a threat to society. They dare not arrest the underworld hoodlums who are a law unto themselves because politicians will set them free and they look will look like clowns. So they harass these women to show that they arrest law breakers. What a pathetic bunch of morons.

    10. oh ya lusers nya nya! :P

  3. Yes, ORD is right. these are not harmful much for the society compared to corruptions.

  4. Salute ORG DP
    They sell what they own. But politicians are selling all of our asses.

    Cant expect more from the arse licking POLICE.
    They will never raid JULIANA because somany polticians are customers.

  5. No harm being a prostitute, if she doesn't spread social deceases (V.D) to the society. Sex workers have to play major role in the highly sophisticated society.

  6. prostitution is must to a country????? once you will think that i am a rascal. but if you see the country's which had been developed they have legalised the prostitution???????? why?? because people like to have make some differentiations in their life to reduce the tension in their conflicted life style. when you have free mind you can do you all known sex is a major part of our life's. i cant explain a to z. this is a little point to think, you can agree or you can disagree??? this is my own opinion!

    1. You are a whore monger. You should be stonned. Stone all whore. Al-Akbar!

    2. send us your wifes/GFs phone number in case she's in tension

    3. If you would send your GF Numbers or else I would like to do it her regarding if she has the tension of prostitution !!!!

    4. Al-Akbar... he he he... 'muslim' wannabe...
      u are all the same... stick to our own religious belief man! no wannabees here...
      be original!

  7. it is not fair to only talk about the prostitutes but it is important to talk about who used them. It is so sad how some of the media really use these things to get back on their enemies - pathetic- and try to grow up

  8. well people say prostitution has to be legal???? may be YES in countries like America England and so called a multicultural countries where in srilanka we find a defferent culture when comparing to those. we are religious and have some kind of a religious aspect in our lives. sex is a part of a marriage life but not a part of OUR lives. may be you see me like i'm surmanning you. not that. i'm not agreed with you.... sex shoud be limited to only a one partner not for A FEW,,, to keep away monotoniness iv our lives we find thousands and thousands of thing to do without going behind prostitutes and spending thousands of money. may be your thinking that i'm silly but just have a pause and think twice... :)

    1. Who castrated you?
      Listen up, Fucker. Go back in history. Since you're so damn CULTURAL. Go back to the times of the Sri Lankan Kings. Before the suddha conquerors "destroyed" our culture. Sri Lankan Kings had their wife, the Queen- and (what was that?) concubines. Let me break that down for you too, fuckface, a concubine is a prostitute, a whore. Now how is that "Sri Lankan"?

      And another thing, just go to Sigiriya. How come those women have their TITS STICKING OUT? isn't that against our "culture". You stupid fucking sheep, wake up.

  9. Yep you are correct we have to praise our culture

  10. you are talking about culture? have you ever heard of a "anthappuraya"? prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the world! i mean including SL.. apart from that, the culture you talk about has been altered according to the needs and benefits of people governing the country. every single bit of it is corrupted. at least if prostitution is legalized that woman will have money to feed her family without having to look over the shoulder every time a cop car passes.

    1. There are so many more families being broken trying to feed that one family that is depending on the prostitutes... Is it a fair price to pay? If it was your home that was broken because of prostitution would you be willing to speak up for it?

  11. prostitution and politics are two seperate things.easy access to prostitution for the youth may sound fun,but later on they pay the teenagers have so many evil choices to make.drugs alcohol and women,indeed difficult to abstain,but worth as a long term benefit.people who are happy in life are indeed those who avoided all this.prostitution may lead to broken marriages leading to broken families. broken families leads to a broken community.this in turn leads to a broken society.Guess who is paying the price????its the future generation.this is srilanka and not europe.women are important to the society.they should not be used as toilets.certain tourists come here to shoot porn videos.just imagine our flag appearing in popular porn sites like the indian flag as categories to select.prevention is better than cure.

    1. You have restored my belief that there are some Sri Lankans who have some self worth and love for the community and the country... Please continue in this line of charismatic thought and please pass it on, to collegues, friends, and especially family and children... We need to be that much more stonger, because there are so much more rooting for the opposite. The future of the YOUTH in Sri Lanka and the future of our mother country needs it!!!

    2. You stupid tool. The British, the Dutch, and the Portuguese succeeded. They left a nation full of idiots, who blindly follow without even thinking. Read up on SRI LANKAN history. Read about the harems of SRI LANKAN kings. Open your fucking eyes, we are no longer under the British- time to forget that colonial mentality.

  12. yes they sho;d be with us for more feelings

  13. If you read Buddhist history and ancient culture we come across "Nagara Sobhani" who was very powerful and her job was to satisfy those who could pay her. This has been there for ages. The word "Prostitute" is some one who sells sex for money. Thus the same could be applied to Nagara Sobhani. Even during Buddha's time harems existed and was the norm. In ancient Sri Lanka harems or Anthapura existed. It is after the advent of the colonial rulers that this was made to look bad.
    It is people who give definitions to suit their whims and fancies. I am not encouraging but facts are facts. If you read past history of this country there were no marriage registrations. A man took a woman and that was that. There its on record that women had many men in their lives and so did the men. This is a biological need of a human or an animal a creation of mother nature.

    1. We are not animals to follow just the biological needs. You speak of Buddha and next Biological needs. Nagara Sobhini is not a prostitute who anyone can come over and fuck. It is a different thing. Entertainment is not just having a fuck. For our fools it is unfortunately. Because from the childhood they never develop their inner child. Neither the child nor ways to have joy. No arts no sports, nothing. Just the cunt.

    2. We are not animals to follow just the biological needs. You speak of Buddha and next Biological needs. Nagara Sobhini is not a prostitute who anyone can come over and fuck. It is a different thing. Entertainment is not just having a fuck. For our fools it is unfortunately. Because from the childhood they never develop their inner child. Neither the child nor ways to have joy. No arts no sports, nothing. Just the cunt.

  14. policiyath goda athi mun allagathata passe...

  15. damitha abeyrathna nedda??haa haa haaa.....meya prasidda ganikawak

  16. We really need to get our priorities sorted... lets get rid of the corrupt politicians, concentrate on instilling road discipline, and heal the wounds caused by a decade of war. Prostitutes won't be prostitutes given a choice...and just think about this ladies- how many of you have let someone have sex with you for reasons other than because lust/love/etc may not be money.. maybe something else.. ring a bell? may be your husband, lover, bil whatever... prostitution is there throughout everyone's life, be they girl or boy.
    Its how women protect themselves at the end of the day... the worlds most powerful weapon... a woman".

    1. You are such a Jerk!!!! Seriously? Ring a bell??? I'm sure you ring many bells, but I don't think the 'women' you are referring to do that!!! You make love with your husband or boyfriend you moron, it isn't prostitution... You are not compelled, and there is no exchange other than love and fulfillment... There is no one sided favours for only the man, or having to wear or do unconcievable things that you would think is shameful, you will not be pushed around, or hurt, and if you say stop, it will stop!!! There are so many differences, if you couldn't figure that out you need to seriously consider to see a psychologist, or even better try the prostitute and see if its as enriching or sacred as when you do it with your girlfriend/wife etc.

    2. If prostitution is legal, there will be codes and regulations for it, people can't just do what they want with prostitutes(they are not slaves). And all the bad stuff you mentioned above about prostitution will be out of the equation, and it wil be lot more safer for prostitutes to practice their job. Not all women think like you do.

  17. The oldest profession will remain for ever.Every person has a black spot although not in public.

  18. Worlds oldest proffesion should be legalized. Thailand is a buddisht country. is legal. India. Nepal. Singapore. Japan. why not SRI LANKA?

  19. hey guys narmadha abeywardana's sister-in-law (ponna janaka's sister) going to get married to a fisherman. can you believe that? haahahaha

  20. kauda bole alees??

  21. Puluwan eun karaganilla. Bari eun latha weyalla.

  22. Srilanka is an best heritage country.. the multi culture of the people should be protected by enforce of the legal frame work against whore such as middle east country.(saudi arabia)

  23. Faggots, this country is full of faggots, pedos, and idiots. It's OK to have sex but prostitution is wrong they say, I think they are implying that prostitutes must have sex free of charge then. This country is full of nut jobs who doesn't belive in democracy and freedom. There is no sexual education in this country no counseling in lots of schools. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy you fuck, it's a fucking autocratic monarchy(ruled by a family), kind of like Mahinda did it but in large scale. As long as most Sri Lankas gonna be idiots and all the inteligent people keep migrating to other countries those dumb gene pool gonna keep growing and some day we will have an average IQ below retarded and few cunning theiwes and gangsters gonnna rule for ever.

  24. I agree. prostitution should be legalize. It is also a important task in life. If it is legalize there won't be any rape cases. After all that is the oldes profession in the world.

  25. We are not animals to follow just the biological needs. You speak of Buddha and next Biological needs. Nagara Sobhini is not a prostitute who anyone can come over and fuck. It is a different thing. Entertainment is not just having a fuck. For our fools it is unfortunately. Because from the childhood they never develop their inner child. Neither the child nor ways to have joy. No arts no sports, nothing. Just the cunt.
    To them prostitution is always a huge plus. The unfortunate lives of women? Just because someone needs a hole to pound. Do you really think the women get a suitable recognition and respect? Be stay healthy. No. Men who raise voice supporting prostitution is the ones who want to rule over women. The equality should just not stay on bed. It the life about just a hole and a stick? Geez. This is not the evolution but going back.

    If anyone cannot control mind and the shell, I do not really believe there is a human mind inside rather than the raw animal. You cannot fix cultural issues by providing a legal fuck opportunity you morons. Lol!

  26. i am entirely agreed to the comment written by a Anonymous on 19th March 2012. ours is not a country where the prostitution is regarded as an admirable thing. our sri Lankan culture is enriched with good Buddist and christian religious values. In a promiscuous society like U.S.A and UK. the rich women prostitute themselves for their own limitless lust and pleasure, they do this without being faithful to their husbands. so do the husband also. Now it has become a etiquette to prostitute themselves.But in Sri lanka we still abhor prostitution as it destroy all our family values and family has been mentioned in one comment that the harem or the "anthappura" in the ancient kingdoms were maintained by the most powerful person, the king.because that practice were prevalent at the king"s court , we can"t justify it as an admirable one but as an abhorrent shit. it has been anthropologically proven that in the past ,the strongest ape would even kill another male ape in a family to get his female ape to satisfy his beastly lust while the male ape looked helpless. this practice is said to have been common specially among the Mammals not among other species .those kings were also a sort of mammals,so they would have been doing this act. now that man can distinguish the good things from evil things, and consider that beastly act as the sin. they should prevent from this beastly act called prostitution. the best thing is the self restrain, being a good example to the society. in the past the ape would did this as by then ,his brain did not evolve enough to distinguish the evil things from the good things.

  27. If both woman and man agree to enjoy sex together. nobody should find fault with them. If they enjoy in private should not disturb them. That is real democracy.
