
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ruwanwalle Sobhitha EXPOSED... Gone into hiding or Had fled the country

 It is reported yesterday (Friday) at Ruwanwella where the A.Sobitha had lived a strong protest had been made by monks as well as people.It is reported that Sobhitha had either gone into hiding or had fled the country. The protestors had broken open the doors and searched the 4 story premises. They had found liquor and other illicit items not used my monks.

This man A. Sobhitha was famous for “Washee Gurukam" which widely advertised in the media.

We also found that his 40 Acre land “Lihiniyawaththa" has listed for sell.Neth Fm Balumgala program exposed this so called monk's hidden side recently and good to see that people stand against these people.


Neth FM Balumgala Program

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