
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pitiduwe Siridhamma Thera has change the name and look

Venerated preacher monk Pitiduwe Siridhamma Thera has changed his name and look. He has changed his name into " Siri Samantha badhdha " and according to thero there was no one in history had this name before.

You can read the interview he gave to randiwa paper below.

click on the article and zoom it OR save it as a image and zoom it to read.

Listen to the Audio interview


  1. Thawa honda sellan isarahata thiyey

  2. Never blame or insult a Bikku no matter what he does for the consequences are very grave.Read Dhammapada for more details......

  3. isn't therea buddhist order, or some control by senior monks who can vouch for such an achievement!

  4. ai hamuduruwane mehema deval sasanaya karanne..

  5. It is a real pity that there is no such system in this country. In order to vouch such an achievement,one should be an equal or above.But people who really have achieved any one of the four supreme states of mind:Sowan-stream winner;Sakadagami-once returner;Anagami-non returner & Arahath never make public statements such as this.If a bikku with a higher ordination(upasampada) makes such a statement,he very clearly violates the 4th Parajika.There are 227 rules laid down by the Lord Buddha for higher ordained Bikkus and the first four rules are called Parajikas.The 4th rule forbids to make public statements such as achieving any of these 4 supreme states of mind. If anyone does so,he will loose his Bikku-hood and his higher ordination completely.
    Obviously it is not the body(rupa) which makes such transformations,but the mind(nama).So why change ones name and appearance ? I pity him.

  6. devdathge malida koheda

  7. swamin wahansa budubawa pathanawa kiyalath paththare thibba.eka aththada?
