
Friday, October 14, 2011

Pitiduwe Siridhamma Thera talks about his new name and look ( Audio )

Venerated preacher monk Pitiduwe Siridhamma Thera has changed his name and look. He has changed his name into " Siri Samantha badhdha " and according to thero there was no one in history had this name before.

Listen to the interview Siridhamma thero gaves to the Randiva paper.

You can read the interview he gave to randiwa paper below.

click on the article and zoom it OR save it as a image and zoom it to read.


  1. Obathumage porshaya wenas wela kiyala Katawen penna Onada? Mata Obathuma Kalin wagemaI..!
    Upathissa Sariuth Une Rahath Unama ne...
    Lokothtara Unama..!!!

  2. methuma Dhahamath wenas karanawa'

  3. i don't like this. but nobody cant prove he is wrong or right.. cz no body knows what is to be sakrudagami or anagami... there are two things. he knows buddhism in thripitaka deeply he has studied well. yet only doubt i can see is that he still have lot of kruthakjana qualities such as need for power fame and behaviour.. sorry to doubt if im wrong im jutst eelling what i felt. need to study his reading well

  4. If this Venerable Thero can prove him self do not have any "Keless" (Thanhava, Ashava, Ragaya, Vairaya, Krodaya etc) and have been attained the ultimate "Arahatt" status, we may believe it. Yes. we can't complaint any body, even I can say that I have attained Sovahan, ans Sakurdhagami. Coz no body knows what is it like.

  5. It is 100% certain that he has achieved none of what he has claimed.

    1. Making a big deal out of it

    2. Changing his appearance and name (wtf)

    To achieve "Sotapanna" one must lose the sense of "self". That does not mean that you change your current "Self" and adapt a completely different "self" with a different name and look.

    And wtf is with this 500,000 rupee guarantee? Words fail me.

    Mewa wiswasa karana mattoth ithing dang vandagena athi.

  6. well i dont know for sure whether the thero has attained nibbana or not but lots of the comments are based on mere assumptions and people need to be sure that they know what somebody says before they comment on it blindly just because there's a juicy factor to it. i have gone to his programs and i have read the books he has written pre and post the claimed change and i think there is change for the good.
    his arrogance is gone.....and as for the sense of 'self' or "mamathwaya";it doesnt completely go away until u have attained nibbana.....
    its sad that Sri lankans are not yet ready for a change and still fear the truth....

  7. these posts clearly show the sri lankan twisted knowledge of Buddhism and nibbana and their love to criticise without knowing the facts and "truth"; a concept lost on many zombies living today....there is a real change.....and for general information a person who attains sothapanna does not lose "all sense of self or the sense of mamathwaya".....learn first and then comment!!!!
    don't be scared of change so much.....
    earlier there was a lot of arrogance in pitiduwe siridamma thero but now siri samantha badhra is much more deep and changed for the good and please please sri lankans read the "kalama suthra"

  8. If you can't sense it don't tell it is lie. Ven. has found some truth

    1. If somebody could achived something on nibbana,he or she never gives a magnification about her/him self.If you want to know about arahat ,pls read a novel of "Pichchamala anthology" written by Mr.Jayasena Jayakodi.the Character of Ven:Rahula Thero will realize what the anlightning is...

  9. budhdhagama kanawa

  10. I know for sure that he hasn't attained anything other than more publicity for his businesses.

    Anyone who has attained maggapala never mentions that to Gihis. That is a golden rule. So get it through your thick heads, you halfwits! He is not even a monk anymore. Because he has committed one of the Parajikas.
    A monk commits Parajika if he pretends to be enlightened. That terminates the monk-hood immediately.

  11. This Rasputin is definitely under some legal advice to avoid an alimony suit and thus escape scot free!!

  12. This Rasputin is definitely under some legal advice to avoid an alimony suit and a civil case over a land dispute and thus escape scot free!!

  13. Guys, please follow Arya Ashthangika Margaya.
    To follow anyone else is not following Buddha Sasana. Theruvan saranai!

  14. I cant say this is 100% correct,
    but I think this is the road to the true Buddhism.
    Its all live inside ourselves not inside the temple.

  15. really confused but we cant insult directly for anyone, because we are not geniuses. let see.......time is the answer! do not insult the thero, ultimately it will give you a big sin, please, if you are a real Buddhist do not be a conflicted will harm to you!

  16. Budun dawasa RAHATHAN WAHANSELA pawa piriniwan pana awastha waladi e bawa denagena sitiye un wahansela pamani. Thamage gunayak ethnam eya sangawa genimath, thamage nuguna idiripath kirimath sathpurusha gathiyaki.Budu Rajananwahansege VIDYAWATH, Batahira 'Pruthagjana' vidyawath(Science) kisi sethma samana nowe. Margapala lebu kisiwek batahira netha. Dahas ganan rahatha wahansela wedasitiye peradiga pamani. Suddo Buduwela kiyala hithanna epa. Budu hamuduruwange AKALIKA dahamath, dawasin dawasa wenaswena suddange 'Sience' ekath ahasata polowa wage. SIENCE walin Budu Rajananwahansege VIDYAWA manina minisunge avidyawata harima kanagatui.

  17. laksha panseeyak 5,000,000 kohenda?

  18. me link ekata log vela balanna nivana , saba bududhama, aththatama hamuduruvo karapu de harida kiyala therei.

  19. Batahira widyawata banina eka hara wena deyak karanna danne nathi samahara aya hithan inne peradiga witharai loke hodama minissi inne kiyala. Budu Rajanan Wahansege kale hitiya Dewdath la, Niganthanatha puththa wage aya gana onakaminma amathaka karanawa. E gollo hitiyeth batahira kiyanna thawa tika kalayak gathwei. Eth ekath sidda wei wage me yana widiyata. Batahirata banina eka thamange jewwikawa karagaththa ayata kiyanna thiyenne aduma tharamin thaman wath mulinma hadila inna kiyala, ethakota aduma tharamin thamanwath anik ayata adarshayak wenawane.

  20. Dear Friends,
    I recommend you to listen to Dharmadeshana told by siri Samanthabadra thero. Most of them are now uploaded to Youtube.

    Please don’t premeditate things in life right or wrong until you see and feel in your heart.

    Listen to Dharma, open your heart, and follow your heart. You can only find Buddha within you.

  21. Muta kollo amaruwa wedi wela..

  22. I didnt like his Maihri Buddha worship, as we have so much dhamma preached by Gouthama Buddha.

    We need to only look at what we have, not what no body has seen so far.

  23. bana desana karana kota ahemai nathikota ahemai.. eya bana kiwwai kiyala nidahasak nadda tikak vinoda vanna. ath sovan venna yana ayanam mekale pisso velai navathinne

    1. Sowaa..n Kiyana Wachanaye Thearuma Dannawaada.? Siyalu Pruthakjanyo.. Unmaththakayoya [Pissoya.]

  24. boru kiyala anith ayava ravattanava. budures vihidenne nathibava nam apith kawruth kiyanna kalin danagaththa.. art paper ekata a color deka lankarala baluva. okath wedakda. bawuddayo sardava nisa ravatenava.. a nisa onema mathayak hith athulata danna harima lasei. weldone.

  25. paw ane meyala gana awankawama kanagatu hithenawa. ohe hithena paliyata comments dala. tikak hithanna, unwahansege deshanawanta sawandenna hoda sihiyen. ita passe therum ganna niyama sathya mokakda kiyala. kiyawanna majjima nikaye maha sihanada suththraya, budun wahanse pawa deshana kala thaman wahansege budu bawa labima gana nosoya darmaya awaboda karaganna kiyala. ithn swamin wahansege magapala gana ochcharatama wiwechanaya nokara darmayata sawan dila awaboda karadena duken nidahas wenna uthsaha karanna

  26. It's better if everyone stop talking & criticizing about what thero did. He may have a fair reason for it. So why would anyone bother. Specially what the media does is not good. Media should not critisize thero or should not interview him like this. People who does meditation, needs privacy. Coz' they can't achieve anything in public.

  27. budun wahanse hari sariuth mugalan wahansela hari nan naru kale thaman mahana wechcha dawasei.niwan awaboda kalata passe aye nama maru kale naha eken wadak nathi nisa.rhaman me athmedi labaganna one de labagena iwara nisa.eth pitiduwa himi nama naru karagene me natana nadagama diha sihiyen baluwama penawa eyata one athme dikkargena buddagama wadak nathi wada nathuwa thaman hita duunu karan hitiyanam hodai minissu kade noyawa.nathnam owaye wipaka me athmedima labewi obata

  28. Palamuwa Durlaba Wu Manussakama Udakaragena Sathara Apaa.. Thirisan Gathiyen Midenna.Thamange Pana Thiyena Thhan Kiwahekida.?

  29. Piti Duwe Himi Kisidu Magapalayak Laba Nomethibawa Abeethawa Kiyami.

  30. Meya pannala danna ona kenek prasidda wenna bidu dahamama pawichchi krapu papistayek
