
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Former Kandy Mayor receives presidential pardon

Former Kandy mayor Kesara Dahamsonda Senanayake has been cleared of a fraud charge following a presidential pardon.

Colombo chief magistrate Rashmi Singappuli today (Oct. 31) ordered the acquittal of Senanayake, who had previously been found guilty by the Colombo high court and the court of appeal. The Bribery Commission filed a complaint against him, accusing him of causing a Rs. 185,158 loss to the state. 

According to the complaint, he had avoided a three-day workshop and seminar in Taiwan in April 2004, and instead toured Singapore with his wife.

In September 2008, the then Colombo chief magistrate Nishantha Hapuarachchi found Senanayake guilty and imposed a Rs. 200,000 fine and a 15 month suspended prison term.

After the court of appeal rejected an appeal filed by him, he sought a presidential pardon on 05 July 2011.

The secretary to the president instructed the justice ministry secretary to grant him a pardon, which had been referred to the Colombo chief magistrate’s court.

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