
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Gongala Massacre Photos ( Not For Weak Heart )

The Gongala Massacre was a massacre that occurred on September 18, 1999, in the small village of Gonagala, located in the Ampara District of Sri Lanka. LTTE Tamil Tiger Terrorists struck at Gonagala village at about 4 a.m on 18 September 1999.  

54 victims of the massacre, 27 were men, 17 were women and 10 were children. Out of the 17 women who died in the killings, two of them were pregnant.

According to forensic experts only one victim was shot dead with a revolver, while the rest were killed with knives or machetes. It was also reported that , four other civilians were also seriously wounded.
Those who tried to seek refuge in the nearby dense jungles were chased and killed.

In addition these LTTE Tamil terrorists have looted the belongings of these innocent poor people.  

One survivor Herath Mudiyansalege Premasiri a 29-year-old farmer, gave a description of the events that happened around him.
"We finished late and went to bed. There were about 15 of us, relatives and friends who came to help us for the alms-giving. I was sleeping alone in my room. Around 2 am I heard a group of people banging on the door. They later broke into the house."
He survived by hiding under his bed, but 14 other people who stayed at his home on that day were killed by Tamil LTTE cadres.

Another resident of the village, who was a home guard, had been on duty at a checkpoint further away. When he returned home in the morning, he found his pregnant wife, two children (ages six and eight), his father, mother, sister and brother-in-law dead.

This is just one incident that shows the real face of LTTE. People and Tamil diaspora living outside Sri Lanka who talk about Human rights  and war crimes must see the Things this LTTE terrorist did.
Where were you guys when LTTE kill these innocent civilians ?

After 30 years Sri Lankan Goverment was able to wipe out these blood thirsty terrorists. Now All the people in Sri Lanka... sinhalease... Tamils... Muslims... all live peace fully Thanks to Goverment and President Mahinda Rajapaksha.

Gamani is a movie based on this massacre which directed by Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekara.

also a young blogger who lived in ampara district has published a tragi incident that happened same night. You can read it by visiting below links.

These are some photos of massacre. Please DO NOT see if you are weak hear ted person.  Also Western world who talk about human rights please SEE What LTTE Terrorist did to innocent Sinhalese.

To View All the Photos Please go to below Facebook page... WARNING ::: NOT FOR WEAK HEARTED PEOPLE.


  1. Content is removed from Facebook!

  2. What ever happened to the people responsible for the killings?
