
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Too much media focus on the Rajapaksa family - Namal Rajapaksha

SLFP MP Namal Rajapaksa stated in Parliament yesterday (December 13) that he was not satisfied with the state media in Sri Lanka as it was highlighting too many stories related to the President and his family. 

He stated that the state media in particular should not only focus on stories concerned with the President or his other family members holding posts in the government but should give equal importance to opposition views and other matters.

 MP Rajapaksa stated that when watching the news with his family at one time, the first news story was regarding the President, the second about Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, the third about the Defense Secretary, the fourth regarding Minister Basil Rajapaksa and the Sports news was regarding a rugby match involving himself and his brother Yoshitha Rajapaksa.

He added that in the end it’s his younger brothers and mother that have to bear the consequences to this form of reporting.

He stated that it would be a testament to the credibility of the state media if it highlighted the views and opinions of all.

MP Rajapaksa also shared his support for UNP MP Gayantha Karunathilaka’s suggestion of granting the interest free car loans for journalists with 25 years of experience or more, to young journalists as well.

MP P. Ariyanendran suggested that the Media Ministry should be handed over to MP Namal Rajapaksa in order to sort out the problems with the media.

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