
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Peradeniya university Student injured during protest at Galaha junction

A demonstration organised by the Students' Union of the Peradeniya University was held at the Galaha Junction yesterday ( 24 ).

The demonstration was held in protest of the activities at the Ministry of Higher Education and
disciplinary action taken by the university administration against twenty five students.

The students who gathered opposite the university proceeded in a protest march towards the Kandy - Colombo main road.
Police barricades were placed at the Galaha Junction to prevent them from proceeding further.

A tense situation arose when the protesters attempted to march on.

Meanwhile, a student was injured when an iron fence that was put in place by the police toppled.

The injured student was admitted to the Peradeniya Hospital.

The protesters who demonstrated at the Galaha Junction subsequently dispersed.

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