
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

12 arrested for running brothel as massage parlour

Twelve women arrested on charges of having run a brothel under the guise of an Ayurvedic massage parlour at Deanston Place in Kollupitiya were remanded till February 15 by a Colombo Court today.

The twelve suspects were arrested on Sunday (12), by  the Kollupitiya Police on a search warrant issued by the Colombo Fort Magistrate. The Kollupitiya Police alleged that the first suspect, the female manager of the so-called massage parlor had allegedly operated the brothel under the guise of a massage parlour. The other eleven suspects were arrested on charges of having aided and abetted the illegitimate operation.

The Kollupitiya Police submitted in court that the police officer who carried out the raid had to pay Rs.3,000 to buy a woman.

Defence Counsel Ajith Pathirana, Madura Welgama and Deemani Beddewela who appeared on behalf of the suspects denied allegations levelled against their clients and maintained that the house in question was an ayurvedic massage centre with a valid permit.

Having considered the submissions, Magistrate Kanishka Wijeratne ordered  the twelve suspects to be remanded till February 15.

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