
Monday, February 13, 2012

Hirunika Premachandra's Love Breaks

The latest news revealed that the Hirunika Premachandra’s love affair with Randima Gamage has stopped with mutual agreement. The daughter of the slain political leader Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra has joined the Sri Lanka Mahajana Party recently in a bid to start her political journey.

Giving an interview to a week end news paper she has said that

“After my father’s tragic incident I understood that my political journey going to be a tough one and it would affect our relationship adversely, On the other hand now my main aim and object is to win my father’s case, so that I’m unable to concentrate on anything else.”

“Both Randima and I myself came to a decision to stop our relationship for a while, I don’t know what will happened in the future for the time being we believe that this is the right decision to take.”

‘’ Both of us belong to political families, and now I want to proceed with my father’s political journey as Randima doing so. So we are not rivals, Randima is the only one closed to me beside my father.”

After the assassination of her father, gossip media published that she is having an affair with the President’s son Namal Rajapaksha. Hirunika was furious with the website for publishing incorrect information, and took immediate action to boldly posed with her real boy friend for the people to see, via the ITN Rupavahini channel .while showing her boy friend she told the media that her love affair with him is over a 5 year period.

Randima Gamage is a Provincial Council Minister in the Southern province and he took the second highest preferential votes in the Southern Provincial Council election in the year 2009 taking 77,418 votes. Politics is in Randima’s blood as his father Minister Piyasena Gamage has been the Member of Parliament representing this area since 1989.Randima is a product of Royal College Colombo and took his LLB Degree from The University of Buckingham United Kingdom.

Hirunika Premachandra has sent a letter to the 28th anniversary ceremony of Sri Lanka Mahajana Party held on February 5th stating that she has taken a crucial decision to follow the footsteps of her father and would be engaged in politics under that party.The late Mr. Premachandra was a founder member of the SLMP with late film star Vijaya Kumaranatunga, which is an affiliate of the ruling UPFA at present.

But she has also stated that she hasn’t joined active politics as portrayed in the media. “There is a big difference between joining a political party and joining active politics. All I did was taking membership of a political party, which any person in this country can do,” she said.

“As I have said many times before I intend on joining active politics in the future, but it’s not something that will happen right now, After the death of my father people started to get to know me, and therefore most of the time every step I take is over scrutinized and given a different turn,” she said.

The video where Hirunika introduced her boy friend over the electronic Media on last October 11th last year


  1. Hirunika paw...!!! eka attha...!! ae wunata Hirunikata rate thibichcha piliganima eya wisinma awul kara gaththaa.........
    eya politics walata athulu wune waradi paththen.., waradi widhihata......!

    me wenakota ape rate politics kiyanne.., kunu wela panuwo gahapu thuwalayak......!! , Hirunika eka therun ganda ona.......
