
Friday, March 23, 2012

"I chased Poddala Jayantha from Sri Lanka" Mervyn Silva ( Video )

“I am the one who chased Poddala Jayantha from Sri Lanka,” Minister Mervyn Silva declared in public today. He also warned Sunanda Deshapriya, Nimalka Fernando, Poddala Jayantha and Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, who he claimed were ‘traitors,’ that he would break their limbs in public. 

Speaking during a protest in Kiribathgoda, against the UN resolution on Sri Lanka, the controversial Minister claimed that senior Journalist and prominent media rights activist Poddala Jayantha fled the country because of him.

He also accused Poddala Jayantha, Sunanda Deshapriya, Nimalka Fernando and Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu of going to Geneva and giving evidence against Sri Lanka.

“If you get caught to me in Sri Lanka, I will break your limbs in public. I say this responsibly. No matter who conspires against me,” he openly declared.

1 comment:

  1. Umba kiywana ewa dang prowrthi wunata umba maricha dawasata ballekwath umba diha balanne na.
