
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Paboda – Saranga’s island episode

Every film shoot has its sagas and Udara Palliyaguru’s Super Six is no different.

Seems popular film and tele actress Rashi Paboda Sandeepani and popular actor Saranga Dissasekara, (who is a couple in the film), was separated from the rest of their co-stars on a tropical island while the film was shot.

Alone??? Not quite.

During editing, tapes containing several shots of a musical scene were discovered as damaged and had to be reshot.

Therefore, Paboda, Saranga and Udara, as well as the cameraman and makeup artist has had to make a separate trip to the island to re-shoot the musical scenes.

Super Six will hit the theatres from May 17, offering a novel movie experience.

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