
Friday, May 4, 2012

SF to be transferred to National Hospital

Colombo High Court Judge Sunil Rajapaksa a short while ago ordered the prison Authorities to transfer former army commander Sarath Fonseka to the Colombo General Hospital from the Nawaloka Hospital citing security reasons.

This order was made following a request from the prisons authorities that they could provide enough security to the former army commander if he is transferred to the National Hospital as they are unable to provide enough security to him when he is at the Nawaloka Hospital.

After considering the request, the Judge had given the permission to transfer Fonseka to the National Hospital.
Few days ago, Fonseka was admitted to Nawaloka hospital after the Court directed that he be treated for a severe case of asthmatic bronchitis when his lawyers submitted his medical reports and the doctors’ recommendations. 

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