
Monday, June 4, 2012

Paboda Sandeepani wedding photos

Rashmi Paboda Sandeepani Sri Lankan movie and television actress. Well known for her roles in teledramas Paboda has recently took up her movie career and seems to be excelling at it. Recently filmed movie “Super Six” tends to show the sexy side of Paboda and is highly anticipated movie for 2012. A beautiful young talent and also sexy confident girl Paboda will rise in the ranks of the industry on the days to come.

She is the Daughter of the famous award winning Sri Lankan actress Geetha Kanthi Jayakodi.

The wedding of popular Tele drama and film actress Paboda Sandeepani took place in a glittering ceremony at the Hotel Hilton last night amidst a large presence of a number of Tele drama and film artistes. The groom is one Sidath an owner of a car sales centre located iat Kottawa. They have had a secret love affair for a prolonged period of about two years.

We OUR LANKA team wish Happy Wedded life to the couple.


  1. The famous Gay of Sri Lanka Kalum Wijesooriya is also here ha nice :)

  2. paboda oba depala chirath kalayak yehen vajabewa...........!!

  3. Who would have thought she'd end up with an ugly guy like this? hahahaha

  4. SriLankan Gay Couple Kalum Wijeysooriya and Priyantha are here................Ha Ha Nice:)
