
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cobra girl reunited with snake

As per the directive of the Colombo Fort Magistrate, Mr. Kanishka Wijeratna made on the 06th, to handover the cobra back to its owner, a worker at the Cleopatra Hotel, the owner took possession took of her snake at the Colombo zoological Gardens yesterday ( 12).

The Colombo Fort Magistrate ordered the release of a cobra to its owner, a nightclub dancer in Kollupitya. On August 27 police arrested the girl with her cobra at the nightclub in Kollupitiya and later charged her under ‘Cruelty to Animals’. Subsequently the cobra had been sent to the Dehiwela Zoo. Although the owner Nirosha Wimalaratne (Dilani) was alleged to have committed an offence under ‘Cruelty to Animals’ by obstructing the natural feeding patterns of the animal, hindering its growth, the Magistrate ordered that the snake be released to her as the charges were not proven and that she had looked after it with affection.

Both Nirosha and the cobra were taken into custody on the 28th of August. Subsequently Nirosha was released on bail an the cobra was sent to the Dehiwela zoological gardens. The snake was released on a surety of Rs 5000. According to the psychiatric report issued by the Forensic Psychiatry Unit of the Mental Hospital, it was said the suspect did not have the symptoms suggestive of a mental disorder during the period of assessment. It further said the suspect did not derive sexual pleasure out of association with snakes. President’s Counsel Rienzie Arsakularatne with Nimal Ranawaka, R.A.P. Ranawaka, Thejan Koralage and Sudarshani Gunaratne appeared for the suspect.

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