
Thursday, January 31, 2013

All what I want is to get back to my earlier life - Achala

The Matara Hospital doctor said to be responsible for the amputation of a hand of law student Achala Priyadarshani has said that he was sorry about the incident. He has told a team of doctors inquiring into the amputation that he did not expect the plastering of the girl’s hand following a fall to have such an adverse impact on her life.

The doctor has said that it was the first such incident in his professional career.

Meanwhile, there have been allegations of biased by the inquiry team, as some of its members are serving at the Matara Hospital.

Now, the call is for the appointment of retired judges to investigate the amputation incident.

The final year law student Achala Priyadharashini, who lost an arm due to medical negligence, told  that she wanted to pursue her career in law and that she had to make many sacrifices to gain admission to the university.

Achala lost her left arm due to alleged medical negligence by her surgeon. She was initially admitted to the Matara hospital for treatment to an injury on the wrist. She was thereafter admitted to the Colombo National Hospital where her arm was amputated because the injury turned septic.

“I don’t intend on taking legal action on this matter right now, all what I want is to get back to my earlier life. I want to live like I did before. I reached the present position in my academic career amid severe difficulties. I want to finish off my degree and become a lawyer, for all this I want my hand, the hand I use to write with,” said Achala, who is a final-year student of the Colombo Law Faculty.

Achala said this unfortunate mishap would not keep her down because she will be sitting the final exams at the Law Faculty in June this year. She said the faculty had given her the necessary facilities to study online as she cannot attend lectures.

“I will fulfill my ambition of becoming lawyer despite this calamity,” she said and added that her batch mates at the faculty were helping her at this difficult hour. She said her parents have decided to reside in Colombo temporarily till the crisis she is struggling with is sorted out. 

 The Colombo law faculty has set up a fund in aid of Achala, and details can be obtained via telephone numbers 0715 114 139, 0718 825 329 and 0712 240 405.

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