
Friday, July 19, 2013

13 year old girl sexually abused by 5

A 13 year old girl has been severely sexually abused by 5 individuals at Galenbidunuwewa Maithrigama, Adiambalama and Kekirawa Manewa , reports Kekirawa Police.

The girl has been molested by her father at the age of 12 when she was under the custody of her parents at Galenbidunuwewa, Maithrigama.

Due to the above reason the child's parents have divorced.

After her mother engaged in her second marriage her step father has also sexually abused her when they were living in Adiambalama.

Then the mother has sent the child to her sister who is living in Manewa with her two sons. It has been reported that her two sons who are 24 and 20 years of age has sexually abused her.

The neighbours who suspected the situation has informed the police regarding the incident and the officers attached to Children and Women Bureau has arrested the two sons.

After they were produced before Kekirawa Magistrate L. Darshana de Silva they were ordered to be kept in remand custody until July 29th.

Kekirawa Police is conducting further investigations into the incident.

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