
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Doctor arrested for abusing 6 boys

An Ayurvedic doctor has been arrested for sexually abusing 6 underage boys.

The doctor, who has been maintaining an Ayurvedic center for treating fractures and dislocations in Ruwanwella, has been keeping 6 schoolboys at the location and he has sexually abused them.

The police was able to find the 6 children as they searched the location following the search warrant obtained from the court under the instructions of National Child Protection Authority.

The doctor who fled the area following the raid was arrested on July 28th evening, said Ruwanwella Police.

The children who were 13-16 years of age were directed to Kegalle Judicial Medical Officer.

The suspect will be produced before Ruwanwella Magisrate Court.

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