
Friday, August 23, 2013

Sri Lanaka's First Gay Marriage Photos

Neth FM Balumgala team revealed Sri Lanka's First Gay marriage few days ago. 

It was held 16th of August in a House in Rathmalana Area. The speciality is they have done all the traditional ceremonies.

Bride was a school boy in a Moratuwa area. He ( Bride ) had a Mother and relations which is also found in Gay community. They dress like girls, talk like girls but they are born as guys.

They even have exchange rings and Thank you speech as well.

Panadura Walana Anti corruption Unit has arrested all of them with help of Balumgala team.

They have found illegal videos, books and that house has used as a place to meet Gay community.

According to neighbors most of them are school boys.

These are some photos of the Wedding.

wait for the video.

Neth FM Balumgala Programme About Above marriage


  1. this is not same sex marriage.this bride born as a boy but his mind as a girl.some boys borne in a wrong sex so they not like their male body and man hood then they live as girls.some country they have more facilities for sexchange surgery. in sri lanka it is dificalt. so they do like this

  2. this is not same sex marriage.this bride born as a boy but his mind as a girl.some boys borne in a wrong sex so they not like their male body and man hood then they live as girls.some country they have more facilities for sexchange surgery. in sri lanka it is dificalt. so they do like this

  3. this is how the nature gets into action to curb population explotion& there is absolutely nothlng wrong in it.every govt. should legalise & recognise homosexuality.

  4. Mokada me anik Ekage Muna Makala Tiyenne. Ai Uta Witarada Nambuwa Tiyenne? Anik Ahinsaka Kollata Eka Nadda? Sri Lankawe Awalan Madya Karayo Unta Onide Karanne. Balu Hatikare Danawanam Dennagema Photo Danna Oni. Metana Ekegge Witarak Danne. Oy Muna Kapapau Ekai Me Photo Dana Media Karayoi Tamai Ponnayo Kiyanne.. Thuh Nodakin... Pau Ara Anik Asarana Kolla.

  5. Mokada me anik Ekage Muna Makala Tiyenne. Ai Uta Witarada Nambuwa Tiyenne? Anik Ahinsaka Kollata Eka Nadda? Sri Lankawe Awalan Madya Karayo Unta Onide Karanne. Balu Hatikare Danawanam Dennagema Photo Danna Oni. Metana Ekegge Witarak Danne. Oy Muna Kapapau Ekai Me Photo Dana Media Karayoi Tamai Ponnayo Kiyanne.. Thuh Nodakin... Pau Ara Anik Asarana Kolla.

  6. This not bad becoz that person own like to do that.deep love i approach this i really proud of them

  7. This is not ''Gay''. This is a transgender marriage. Well obviously sri lankan gays have to act like a tranny outside because your close minded country gives no freedom to LOVE and PERSONAL INTERESTS. Shame on you Sri Lanka

  8. I realy really appreciate this homosexual wedding. Of course, congradulation for this couple and their future.Sri lanka goventment must think about gay rights now.Gay, lesbians, transgenders,all humans. Thats sooooo natural in this nature.All must have same rights. Sri lanka sleep deep for any other great fraud things. But they have more awoke for innocent love marriage.
    I know, neth Fm is good radio. Also Balumgala is my best progamme, But I am really worry why neth FM interefered for this. That soooooo brutal.

    1. Yeah , we are truly humans. Government should legalize equality. They didn't do a wrong thing. They were born that way..

  9. This looks more like a marriage between transgenders as most people have said in the comments. But I wonder if the dressing up was simply because our community is probably still too close minded and not ready to see a man and a man exchanging rings.

    But whatever it is, good luck to them and hope they'll have a great marriage life! Hopefully the Sri Lankan gay community will be treated better in the future.

  10. well , all gentliments , you are blaming on this innocent lady boy? it is true they are born in wrong body , but they also humans, they have feelings too. so that is their wish , what the hell this fu.. NETH FM doing . they had to do lot of things for thems ( shemales ) on the media. not to condemn .

  11. Only can do the hardcore and the blow job to them.we will wish them to do that.

  12. Gay or transexsual they are humans respect them as they see them .when it comes to love "love don't have any lables".if there is a negative side for this marriage, one of them must be under age
