
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Johan Fernando's leaked Photos

North Western Province front runners Dayasiri Jayasekara and Johann Fernando both are trying to be the first in the preferential voter list and make a strong case for the top job in the province of more than 2 million people.

Johan Fernando, 22, an economics undergraduate, is seeking public office for the first time. Fernando has the backing of Namal Rajapaksa, who was his schoolmate, as well as of course his father Johnston Fernando, the government’s Minister of Trade. His well-funded campaign has found traction thanks largely to the popularity and political networks of his father.

These 2 photos of Johan's released recently and has taken in a Party. We got to know these 2 who are dancing with Johan is not girls.. They are actually Boys who dressed like girls.


  1. So whats the big deal about this :P

  2. johan likes boys? rugger team influence? namal did him?
