
Monday, December 30, 2013

I'm not entering politics - Nilmini Tennakoon

Popular actress Nilmini Tennakoon says media reports claiming that she was planning to enter politics were baseless and and completely untrue.

Speaking to 'Lakbima' newspaper, she has said, "I recently took up a teledrama role carrying a political theme. It was a political role. During an interview with a newspaper, the journalist involved has misunderstood what I said on this matter. I think this was the reason behind this rumour."

However, I have no intention of entering politics or taking up a MP portfolio in real life. Also, I detest the prevailing form of violent politics. Sometimes, you may not even believe it if I say that I  haven't even used my vote recently.
My brother is a member of the Moratuwa Urban Council. I haven't used my vote even for his benefit. Even our family knows this, she has added.

Speaking further, Nilmini has elaborated on why she detests politics.

"To explain why I dislike politics, I have to go back to my childhood. My father - Piyadasa Tennokoon was a SLFP organiser in Colombo and Moratuwa back then. He worked with Sirimavo Bandaranaike. He was very busy with politics and spent much of his time at the Horagolla Walauwa."
"Due to this, we were targets of politically triggered hate. My brother was taken and detained at the Boossa Camp. Our homes were torched. Our parents provided for us from a small business. Even that was torched. When our homes were attacked by opposition parties, we used to hide under chairs and beds. There were many a time where we spent shivering in fright. Every time an election took place, we would be in fear."

"Sometimes even political meetings would be held at our home. Former Minister C.V. Guneratne was very close with our family. Usually at meetings attended by Sirimavo Bandaranaike, it was me or either my younger sister who welcomed her by giving her flowers. Mimicking politicians, we also used to climb onto rooftops and make speeches."

"However, after suffering much due to politics, we were sick of everything that had to do with it. After my father passed away, sick at heart, I detested politics. Though my brother continued to be involved in politics, i'm not the least involved. So, after such  suffering do you thing I will return to politics suddenly?"

"I am a person who likes to live freely, I don't want to live a life surrounded by bodyguards. My present life suits me fine. And it has a sense of self satisfaction and lightness that cannot be obtained by money."

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