
Monday, December 23, 2013

Lakshman Hulugalle attempted suicide ?

Director general of the now defunct Media Centre for National Security Lakshman Hulugalle has been admitted to hospital after he consumed poison this afternoon (22), according to a very reliable source.He is being treated at the ICU of Lanka Hospital in Colombo.

The president recently dissolved the Media Centre for National Security of which Hulugalle was the director general.

Hulugalle has also been accused of having an affair of Sudharma Nettikumara, the wife of businessman Gamini Nettikumara.

 The media has been barred from entering the premises.

Later Speaking to DM Lakshman Hulugalle, denied reports that he had attempted suicide and said instead that he was at home and in good health.

“The media can’t kill me. I’m above the media. This is also another media circus. I'm at home and well. If I took poison I would be dead by now. It is the media who are making up this entire story,” he said.

When asked whether he had visited any hospital during the day for any other ailment, Hulugalle said that he did not have to keep the media informed about his visits.

“Why should I tell the media when I go to hospital or for what purpose I do so? I don’t need to do that," he said.

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