
Monday, December 2, 2013

Sudarma and Hula's love affair

There were reports in the media that a person known as ‘Hula’ connected with national security was responsible for the disbanding of Colombo Organized Crimes Division that raided an illegal gambling den near Colombo Town Hall on 4th November.

It is reported that Hula is having a affair with Sudharma Neththikumara and Sudharma had taken over Hula's powers and started to issue directives at the police.

Gamini Neththikumara, the Senkada (Salaka) group owner has given interview to a weekend paper regarding his wife Sudharma Neththikumara's behaving and connection with Casino and Hula.

Even STF has been around and giving security to HULA when he is having fun with Sudharma according Gamini.

Blinded by Hula’s love and power, Sudharma had even threatened her two children not to interfere in her private life. Gamini Neththikumara had got the two children to lodge complaints with the National Child Protection Authority. The complaint faced the same fate as the complaint lodged with the Cinnamon Gardens Police. Lover Hula had ensured that that none of the complaints were investigated.

Well known businessman Gamini Neththikumara had informed the President and the Defence Secretary of the situation. The President had told the Defence Secretary to look into the matter and bring a settlement among the two parties.

According some articles Hula is the Director General of the Media Centre for National Security Lakshman Hulugalle. But a newspaper inquired regarding this, has said he is not the ‘Hula’ the media was talking about.

When asked whether he was responsible for the disbanding of Colombo Organized Crimes Division Mr. Hulugalle has said he was not involved in the move. He was not a person connected with casino or gambling and had asked the journalist to inquire from the police media spokesman as he was the best person to get the information.

The journalist had said the media had stated that a stalwart at Media Center for National Security known as ‘Hula’ was behind the move and Mr. Hulugalle has responded saying his name was not ‘Hula’ but Lakshman Hulugalle and had added that he had a good name. When the journalist asked whether he had any connection with Ms. Sudharma Neththikumara, Mr. Hulugalle has strongly denied any connection with her and had said Sudharma Neththikumara was not involved in the case. He had said even the building where the illegal gambling den was maintained did not belong to her. He has said he or Sudharma Neththikumara was not involved in the illegal gambling incident.

Read the Full interview given by Mr. Gamini Neththikumara

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