
Friday, February 28, 2014

Sanath splurges SLC money?

It has been revealed that Cricket has footed the bill of the informal meeting of Select Committee head - Deputy minister Sanath Jayasuriya and Paul Farbrace, before the latter was appointed as national cricket coach.

Farbrace has come to Dubai on Jan. 7 - 9 during Sri Lanka's tour of Pakistan as a result of Jayasuriya's plan.

Sanath had gone to Dubai to meet Farbrace who had come with his wife and the SLC had footed the expenses of all three, reports say.

The estimated expenses of the tour has been fixed by Jayasuriya who had also sought the permission of the SLC Executive Commission to do so.

The request has been readily approved by SLC Chairman Jayantha Dharmadasa who had also praised Sanath's efforts.

The expenses are as follows.

Air tickets for Farbrace and his wife - Rs. 139,720.00

Daily travelling expenses - US $ 300 (Roughly Rs. 39,000.00 X 3)

Accommodation - Amount was agreed to be claimed

Business Class air ticket for Jayasuriya - Rs. 137 200.00

Daily travelling expenses - US $ 375 (Roughly Rs. 49,000.00 X 3)

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