
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Didn't go clubbing with Hirunka - Harin

UNP Badulla District MP Harin Fernando has refuted media reports claiming that he had secretly met UPFA Colombo Provincial Councilor Hirunika Premachandra at the Voice lounge located at the Burgher Recreation Club (BRC).

Reports cited that the duo had remained very close at the location until around 1.00am, attracting attention of those nearby.

"These reports are rubbish. One day, I bumped into her at a restaurant where i went for a dinner. We just exchanged pleasantries for barely five minutes. We didn't discuss politics. Those who spend their nights in nightclubs, surrounded by women and alcohol till dawn are mudslinging against me," Harin said.

Hirunika topped the Preferential votes list at the recently concluded Western Provincial Council polls while reports claim that Harin is to vie for the Chief minister post at the upcoming Uva Provincial Council polls.

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