
Friday, October 3, 2014

Girl molested by school van driver in Kandy

In yet another incident of molestation, a 17-year-old girl studying at a government school in Kandy was allegedly molested by her 37-year-old school van driver.

On a tip off received by the Kandy police, the suspected driver, father of two children, was arrested while he was allegedly molesting the girl inside a windows tinted school van on a roadside near Kandy tank. According to the sources, a youth who saw that the young girl was inside the vehicle in a suspicious manner had alerted the police. In return a policemen team has rushed to the scene where they apprehended the suspected driver.

The police have come to know that the person had in the first place molested the girl some three years back. A senior police officer of the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) told that a team from their authority has been sent in order to conduct further investigations. “Since the victim is an underage, this matter has to be dealt with the NCPA,” he added. The police said that the suspect will be produced before the Kandy Magistrate, today. The girl has been directed to the Judicial Medical Officer (JMO) at the Kandy Teaching Hospital.

1 comment:

  1. change the dress code as modesty then it never be happened in any where.
