
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Maithripala And Ranil Silent On Thewarapperuma’s Despicable Behaviour : MP Still Not Arrested

President Maithripala Sirisena or Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has not issued a statement explaining the reasons not to arrest UNP Parliamentarain Palitha Thewarapperuma who demonstrated an utterly despicable behavior on Sunday.

MP Thewarapperuma, who strongly resembled former Minister Mervyn Silva, made Pradeshiya Sabha member Murugan Pushpakumar kneel in public as a punishment.

Although UPFA Parliamentarian Mahinda Samarasinghe had lodged a complaint with the Police Department over the incident, no action has so far been taken to arrest the Parliamentarian.

“When we set up a party office in my own electorate, a group of thugs led by UNP Parliamentarian Palitha Thewarapperuma, came there and threw rotten eggs at the office,” Samarasinghe said addressing a press briefing at the SLFP Headquarters.

Thewarapperuma’s behavior was in stark contrast to the principles of good governance upon which the present government was formed nearly one and a half weeks ago.

President Maithripala Sirisena has repeatedly stated that under the new government action would be taken against wrong-doers irrespective of their positions.

Although Thewarapperuma’s behavior has been illustrated in media with video evidence, no action has so far been taken to bring the unruly Parliamentarian to books.

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