
Friday, January 16, 2015

Namal receives death threats

UPFA Hambantota district Parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa has complained to the Tangalle Police last evening claiming that he had received death threats over the phone, the Police said.

Police Spokesman Ajith Rohana said, Mr. Rajapaksa in his complaint stated that he had received calls from one number on four occasions between 11 p.m. to 12 midnight on Tuesday. The caller had threatened Mr.Rajapaksa to resign from politics or otherwise he would be killed, SSP Rohana said. Police have launched investigations into the complaint, he added.

Slamming the allegations raised against him, Rajapaksa in his blog said “As you may have already heard, certain individuals are coming after me with a vengeance, trying to implicate me in a number of alleged wrongdoings.

We expected this. Those who are older than I am will remember well that this is the usual fate that members of the SLFP must suffer whenever we lose elections. It has happened in the past, and the same is happening this time also. We welcome the new government’s initiatives of “good governance,” but we make a strong appeal not to allow certain individuals misuse this initiative to fulfill personal vendettas under the guise of “good governance.”

Western Provincial Councilor Udaya Gammanpila while addressing a press conference held in Colombo , yesterday, said that he also received death threatening messages.

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