
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Chart Show Host Rahal Alwis Responds Angrily To Woman Questioning Show During Disaster Situation

Chart show host Rahal Alwis has come under serious flak for responding angrily to a woman who called the live television show to ask if it was ethical for a television station to be conducting a ‘fun’ television show while so many people in the country were facing a disaster situation.

“You don’t stop eating rice just because the people affected don’t have rice today,’ the television chart show host said angrily, “we conduct our show just like every other station conducts their shows,” he said, before ending with the warning - “Don’t make me angry.”

Many on social media have attacked the television chart show host for lacking sensitivity to the current situation in the country and also for responding so badly to the woman who called with a question.

They argue the talk show host could have handled the question in a more sensitive manner and that the ‘fun’ talk show could have moderated it’s liveliness as a response to the  disaster situation in the country that has claimed over 90 lives.

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