
Friday, August 22, 2014

True story behind the Wariyapola video

A social media video clip on which a girl is continuously slapping a youth at Wariyapola Bust Stand has gone viral throughout the country.
By listening to the girl, one can understand the girl’s sister was also around her and another person who clad similar to a uniform is seen during the whole episode of the clip. Various comments have been posted on the Internet after the video clip was released.

The girl was nick-named “Wariyapola Kumarihami” after the incident, and certain Internet surfers have posted comments with graphic pictures which portray boys are now scared of Wariyapola girls.

Many comments among them were disadvantageous to the girl. Our Wariyapola Correspondent Pushpa Weerasekera today met the person who was seen in a dress similar to a uniform throughout the video to unearth the truth behind the incident.

He was a time keeper and resident of Navinna, W. Jayasinghe. At the same time, our news team was able to contact the girl who involved in this incident. Identified herself as Madu, she described the ordeal last week, and expressed her views about the social media comments as well.

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