
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ajith Muthukumarana and K.Sujeewa replied

Singers K. Sujeewa and Ajith Muthukumarana have been in the centre of controversy recently after coming out with their relationship.

Speaking to a newspaper recently, Sujeewa has said that she was attracted to Ajith's bald head and that her daughter from her previous marriage too, adored him.

They have been criticised by many, including Ajith's estranged wife, who had said that Ajith left them without no valid reason.

Ajith and Sujeewa have replied to these criticisms in a song. This is the first emotional and slow song sung by Sujeewa, who is generally known for singing fast beat tracks. Ajith, on the other hand, is better known for slower, emotional songs.

The song, written by Asanga Karunaratne is as follows

Related :  K.Sujeewa and Ajith Muthukumarana Love affair

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