
Thursday, November 5, 2015

School boy seeks Rs. 10 million compensation from police

The schoolboy who was arrested on suspicion with the Seya Sadewmi’s murder in Kotadeniyawa, yesterday filed a fundamental rights petition in Supreme Court demanding a compensation of Rs.10 million and exemplary/punitive costs.

He charges the modus operandi of the police has been to wrongfully and illegally obtain a confession from any person as to avoid public criticism. The Petitioner W.S.Pradeep Seneviratne cited Kotadeniyaya OIC Sujith Udayakumara, ASP Jayantha Athukorala, CID Chief Inspector D.U.Lasantha Rathnayake, SSP B.R.S.R. Nagahamulla, IGP and the Attorney General as Respondents.

Minor child Seya Sadevmi Bakmeedeniya was abducted from her house, sexually abused and subsequently murdered on September 11 night, and her body was found in the locality on September 13. Police officers arrested the petitioner on September 16 at his residence.

The petitioner complains that he was identified by the Police as the first suspect in the gruesome rape and murder and paraded before the media. He alleges he was undressed in front of unknown persons on several occasions and his nude body was photographed and blamed the Police that they detained, tortured and abused him arbitrarily.

He states that a statement was recorded under duress and he was forced to sign it against his consent. He said he was produced before the Magistrate’s Court and discharged on the basis that the DNA tests.

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