
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Udari takes Actions against ODEL

BODA MEEDUM main actress  Udari chamika who found guilty of stealing clothes from Odel in September  has made a complaint against ODEL Yesterday for violation of human rights. ODEL security staff has forced her to Kneel down and punished and humiliated her according to Udari.

Also she has pointed out that ODEL has taken photos of her same time and release them to media without a permission.

Full Article is below ( Lakbima paper )
Click to view LARGE 

Some of our readers reacted strongly against Odel CEO, Otara Gunewardene for releasing photos of Udari Waarnakulasooriya kneeling down before security guards when Udari was caught for shoplifting at Odel.
 Looks like it has given some strenth to Udari to take actions against ODEL.

Here are some comments Our readers made :

" Udari, you should now consider court action for violation of human rights, hope you understand why. Simply, your degrading photos should not be made public and otara must take full responsibility. "

"On the same line of argument, if ODEL security wants conduct a strip search under the pretext that you might be carrying stolen underwear who is to stop them ? After wards they can just say sorry and let you go? Is ODEL security that powerful ? " 

“Whoever who has posted these pictures has violated her human rights. Udari should take legal actions against this. What she has done is wrong but ODEL has no right to kneel down this girl or to take pictures of her and publicize. This is totally ridiculous. Everyday ODEL catches so many people stealing but do they take pictures and give publicity like this? Just because she was a celebrity in this small country all these shameless frogs are gathering around to laughs. Look at your own sins people. This is so shame ODEL. Pathetic!,”

“Isn't there are a way to sue Odel for taking law into their hands? Can a privately owned business establishment be allowed to play at being judge, jury and executioner in this manner?”

" ODEL has NO right at all to punish anybody. It is just a business and it's security staff can only detect, take the person in to their custody until law enforcing agencies arrive. I appeal to the HR lawyers to take up this case and punish the management of ODEL for this act "

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Previous article about ODEL incident

Exclusive : Udari got caught in odel Photoes ( kneel down with stolen stuff )

Boda meedum actress Udari chamika was given a six month suspended jail term

ODEL CEO Otara Gunewardene’s Udari Chamika Scandal


  1. The first para above came from me and I am pleased that this girl is taking Odel to Court. The case will cost money and Dr husband you need to stand by your Mrs.
    Good luck to all supporters of HR justice. Money or status does not give you the right or power to do what you did Miss Otara. This could just be your downfall. Theft is a police matter, perhaps a civil case may be but you are not a cop are you? You had an issue with this good looking girl and I guess it id your turn to get the stick from legal.

  2. people should be punished for stealing etc...but not against human rights. udari has all the rights to take action against odel. odel should have found a better way to get hold of shop lifters which is happening all over the world in every minute.
    good luck to both of you udari and odel .

  3. You robbed. Got caught. Now eat humble pie. Shame on you.
